We value the impact of an articulate email, succinct caption, or perfect tagline
Our messaging templates give businesses clarity and power LEARN MORE
We value strategy, consistency and optimization
Our frameworks and processes support businesses in prioritizing and executing LEARN MORE
We value thought partnership and collaboration
We take ideas, visions and rambling thoughts and synthesize them into a road map for success LEARN MORE
  • Strategy
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  • Communications
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  • Coaching

JessKimia Consulting offers brand strategy, marketing communications and business consulting services for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. We find and tell the story behind a business, integrating its purpose with its brand narrative and business vision. We ask questions incessantly, listen empathetically and think strategically. We develop frameworks, processes and language to bring a business’s intentions into awareness and create a tangible roadmap for execution.

We thrive on working with curious and driven entrepreneurs who are seeking clarity and impact, as they grow their businesses – whether it be from scratch, repositioning, relaunching or scaling. We love learning different industries and markets – our portfolio includes business and consumer focused tech products, fashion ecommerce platforms, lifestyle brands, medical practices and wellness concepts, non-profit organizations, CEOs, corporate executives, and authors.

What is your brand challenge?


Runyon Group

Runyon Group is a full service real estate company (Los Angeles and New York) and the developer behind Platform Culver City. The founders reached out to JessKimia to develop and lead a company retreat and workshop, focused on short and long-term strategic planning.

Alleyoop is a beauty and personal-care brand that specializes in multi-functional products, committed to simplifying, streamlining and innovating self-care. Alleyoop hired JessKimia to oversee the creation of their initial communications strategy and brand relaunch marketing plan.


Word of Mouth ...

Gabriel Halimi

CEO and Co-Founder, Flo Technologies

I was lucky to count Jess as a trusted advisor and confidant with respect to marketing and branding matters in the early days of our company, and even luckier to have her in-house for a period of time. She’s not only agile, hard-working, positive, and results-oriented, which are all crucial attributes in any team member, she’s just a brilliant marketer. I will continue to seek the advice of Jess as long as she’ll work with me.



We chose to work with Jess Hekmat because of her mastery of the principles of good branding, her gift with language, and her insight into human psychology. She did not disappoint! After listening in depth, Jess immediately grasped our market opportunity and helped us develop a brand identity, positioning, and messaging for a new offering. Jess was easy to work with, had an effective process to involve stakeholders, and brought her unique gifts and genius to bear on behalf of our brand and business. A+ for Jess.



Finding someone who can be strategic while also getting stuff done and executing is usually impossible… until you find Jessica. We needed to think through our entire brand strategy while getting ready to launch Alleyoop. Jessica rolled up her sleeves and helped us hire talent, write brand copy and messaging, and nail down our entire strategy, ultimately giving us a lot of creative inputs to help make our launch a huge success. She is incredibly insightful marketer, really organized and knows how to put the right words together to nail the brand message. She can take your vision and really bring it to life. She thinks outside the box and keeps things focused and streamlined. She was such an incredible resource for our brand launch, and we’ve continued to tap her for projects as we’ve grown.

Joseph Miller

Partner, Runyon Group

Jess was and continues to be an invaluable resource for our company. As a small team of entrepreneurs, we are often consumed with the day to day minutia of building a business. Working with Jess allowed us the time to sort through the most important issues at our company; where we were and where we wanted to go. Through a series of very thoughtful and streamlined sessions, we were able to define our company’s core values and set tangible goals for the near, medium, and long term. Jess is an extremely thoughtful and effective collaborator and helped us produce concrete and actionable objectives. Working with her has been a big part of the success of our young company.

Let’s Talk

Drop us a note to schedule a time to chat
about your brand challenge and how
JessKimia can support your business goals.

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